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CESICA Canary Foundation.

The Fundación Canaria CESICA has evolved and matured in recent years, gaining in efficiency, both from an organizational point of view and from the point of view of caring for people who ask for our assistance.
The Fundación Canaria CESICA wants to show society a clear commitment to the continuous improvement of its processes and a priority focus on quality in social care (purpose of our entity), all of this in a context of strict compliance with legal requirements and other requirements that apply to our activity.
The CESICA Canarian Foundation wishes to promote excellent and strategic management principles, carrying them out constantly and permanently, for this it has chosen the UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 standard, which allows all these parameters to be officially certified, in order to show the people who require our assistance, our workers, the Administration and society in general that fulfills the purposes of its corporate purpose.
For all the above, the Fundación Canaria CESICA defines the following terms in coherence with its purposes.
The Canarian Foundation CESICA Proyecto Hombre is a non-profit organization in the field of addictions, promoting the comprehensive development and autonomy of the person, from the biopsychosocial model, providing a quality response in prevention, treatment and employment and awareness social.
Reference in the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands, en to the field of addictions. Committed to improving our treatments, promoting prevention, evaluation and research, in order to respond to the needs of Canarian society.
We work from the following values that give meaning and cohesion to the effort of our Foundation:
· Humanismo
· Trasparencia
· Solidaridad
· Compromiso
· Motivación y trabajo en equipo
· Co-responsabilidad